
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas is...

“God did not write a book and send it by messenger to be read at a distance by unaided minds. He spoke a Book and lives in His spoken words, constantly speaking His words and causing the power of them to persist across the years.”

I, unlike many people I know, do not feel the impending and overwhelming excitement at this time of year. I mean, I am not "in-love" with Christmas as most people are. Possibly because I don't enjoy presents like I used to. Or possibly because I think that people waste a lot of money on the newest decorations and lights, and they always must out-give another with trinkets and things that won't last. To be absolutely and horribly honest, it's just more money that could be well given elsewhere. I'm not referring to everyone & I'm not bashing gift-giving. I love gifts. I'm simply trying to really focus on Christmas. The real Christmas. The real Christ.

It's more than baby Jesus. It's about the Jesus that lived to die and saved us from a terrible and well-deserved fate. And it's more than a "silent night" because I think that song is a lie. He was born in a stable with animals, for goodness' sake! And poor sweet Mary had no pain medication. No, not silence. (Why do we always have to change things and make them fit what we want to believe?!)

The Truth is, the Word of God made His home with us. Now isn't that a mystery... the Word made flesh. It's still hard for me to understand this, but I think it means that all which was created to bring men to God (the law) and all that was planned since the beginning to save the world, was brought together, past and future, and born into our junk. The laws from the Jewish people were fulfilled, and the hope of the nations was brought to life. It is an immense and unending explanation that I really, really look forward to knowing in heaven! My little brain is working so hard to try to put into words what my heart has accepted as such marvelous fact. Jesus is so much more than what we have heard and have ever been taught. And this is what I love about Christmas! I can sit here and imagine that day when the world was forever changed, when His-story took a dramatic turn. A baby changed everything. God clothed himself in our skin. He made the way.

“The interior journey of the soul from the wilds of sin into the enjoyed presence of God is beautiful. Ransomed men no longer pause in fear to the Holy of Holies; but God wills that we should push on into His presence and live our whole life there.”

(I love the word "ransomed." It means the redemption of a prisoner, deliverance and rescue from punishment, liberation, release.)

The reason for everything we do is Jesus. Prayer is only possible because of Jesus. Peace is only possible because of Jesus. Loving people no matter what they do or have done is only possible through Jesus! He is our everything. More than the reason for the season- He is my reason for life! What burning passion and urgency we should feel because not everyone has what we have or knows what we know. That is the message of Christmas that most ignore-- yes, we celebrate Him and we celebrate our family and friends, but how can we bring others into our celebration?
I think that is a huge challenge for all of us. I know I feel like Christmas is a vacation. We eat, watch movies, play board games, and enjoy ourselves. Isn't this the time of year that gives us the best opportunity to bring people Home? Most people have heard of sweet baby Jesus, but do they know about the One who gives strength to the weak and makes the broken whole? It's hard to imagine an innocent baby talking you through your addictions and giving you marital counsel. Don't forget to show the Jesus who lived our lives and overcame. Tell them about how He didn't just die and go back to heaven, but He delivered on His promise from long, long ago and gave us His very Spirit to make His home in us, to lead us and help us. That He will never walk away or forget us. Tell someone, or everyone, what He gives you-- how he has so enriched and excited your life! Tell them how you will never be the same. How it doesn't matter that none of it makes much sense-- all we know is that we feel brand new. And the joy... oh, do share about your joy! If you don't have any, then ask for some! It's such a joyous thing to know you aren't just another person, but you are His child, His bride.
Remind yourself of all these things & remember what He has done for you. The world will listen if only we would learn to tell them. & if necessary, we could use words.

“The blessed and inviting Truth is that God is the most winsome of all beings and in our worship of Him we should find unspeakable pleasure.”

Merry Christmas!

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