
Thursday, September 17, 2009


Wew, 50th post! I thought about doing something cool for this occasion.. I couldn't come up with anything. Sorry. But I just saw an advertisement on FB that really, really irked me! It was one of those stupid Singles ones, and it said, "Don't be THAT girl. Meet someone today!"
...What does that mean?!
I WILL be that girl! I AM that girl! It really got on my nerves. This world is seriously so screwed up. 
I went to a Human Trafficking seminar the other day and was disgusted, horrified, and burdened for what is happening to people; that it's everywhere, even in my community. It's so much. So much evil.
But on the flip side, there are many organizations rising up to fight. The church is rising up to fight. I was thinking the other day about all the great causes there are in the world to get involved with-- it's a little bit overwhelming! So God IS always on the move, inspiring His body to change the world. It just gets so sad living here. Not that I'm wanting to die or anything, but I think about heaven a lot. How friggin awesome it's really going to be! I walked on the beach last night, and it had started raining a little bit, and this HUGE storm cloud was in front of me, and it was just so beautiful. I love God & His creations. It always gives me the hope and promise to keep going because there is still beauty to be seen and discovered, especially in His people.
So be encouraged, church! He has many plans for us, and we can do all things with Him and through Him and because of Him! Amen!

God, the one and only— I'll wait as long as he says. 
   Everything I need comes from him, 
      so why not? 
   He's solid rock under my feet, 
      breathing room for my soul, 
   An impregnable castle: 
      I'm set for life.

My help and glory are in God 
      —granite-strength and safe-harbor-God— 
   So trust him absolutely, people; 
      lay your lives on the line for him. 
      God is a safe place to be.

Psalm 62:1-2,7-8

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