I saw Blue Like Jazz the movie-- not a big fan. But I AM a big fan of Donald Miller's writing. I'll stick to books & my infatuation with words.
“It made me wonder if the reasons our lives seem so muddled is because we keep walking into scenes in which we, along with the people around us, have no clear idea what we want.”
“I've wondered, though, if one of the reasons we fail to acknowledge the brilliance of life is because we don't want the responsibility inherent in the acknowledgment. We don't want to be characters in a story because characters have to move and breathe and face conflict with courage. And if life isn't remarkable, then we don't have to do any of that; we can be unwilling victims instead of grateful participants.”
"I wouldn't really know what forgiveness meant for another year, until my pastor, Rick McKinley, happened to spell it out in a sermon. He said that when you forgive, you bear the burden somebody has given you without holding them accountable.”
“It occurred to me, as it sometimes does, that this day is over and will never be lived again, that we are only the sum of days, and when those are spent, we will not come back to this place, to this time, to these people and these colors, and I wonder whether to be sad about this or to be happy, to trust that these moments were meant for some kind of enjoyment, as a kind of blessing. And if feels, tonight, as if there is much to think about, there is much we have been given and much we have left behind. The smell of freedom is as brisk as the air through the windows. And there is a feeling that time itself has been curtained by darkness.”
“The more I try to impress people, the more I separate myself from them. Vulnerability attracts love.”
Dear Don,
if I could sit and drink coffee with you, I would say thank you.
You are inspirational and genuine and raw and you tell it like it is. But not only that,
you help me to imagine what could be: what our world could be, what my life could be.
I love to dream of ways to communicate in written words the beauty that I feel and see and breathe.
You ignited that dreamer within me.
I wish we could be real life friends.
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