
Monday, August 9, 2010

so I'll sing You a love song.

Love others as you love yourself. That's an act of true freedom. (gal.5)
"May my life be the song of Your love."

I've been at loss for words here lately. Very odd, considering I usually can form any one thought into a multi-paragraphed blog entry. I don't know the cause. I think I am overwhelmed, really. Nervous. Excited. Thrilled. Scared. Intimidated. So very happy. I am a big, huge, conglomeration of emotions! I am taking a new step. Though it is not technically new, I have been there before, but it's a new direction. And though this direction terrifies me, I cannot escape it. It's in my thoughts, my dreams, my words-- my whole life feels engulfed by the cries of the hurting. They are everywhere, you know. Have you seen them lately? I spoke with them today. I offered her a ride, I played with his dog, I told her thank you and to have a great day. The hurting. The broken. The people. Though it does not take a Ywam school or a college education to know how to help and encourage people, I believe it is a blessing. And it is a learning experience of other people's stories and how they live to help and encourage others, just as I feel I should.
I was told today that I was "glowing" as I shared with an old friend the direction I feel God moving me towards. It reminds me of how people often compliment about the glow of expecting mothers or newlyweds. I am expecting: expecting God to teach me, humble me, show me more of His heart, show me more of how I carry His heart in mine. I may not be married, but I am very much in-love: in-love with Him who is the greatest of all lovers, a Light to the world, a Father to the fatherless-- Him whose name is above every name. I don't know much about the love of a man, because this Love is more than I could ever ask for or need. And I want my life to be spent by giving away my love. His love in me.

"But I am very sure of God. I trust His love... In Him & with Him, I can do all He wants me to do."

"I know what I want is above my strength, but He who has given me the desire will also give me strength to do the impossible."

"Do we see Him in using our eyes, mind, and heart as His own? Are we so given to Him that we find His eyes look through ours, His tongue speaking, His hands working, His feet walking, His heart loving? Do we really see only Jesus in us?"

"His ways are so beautiful... to think that we have God Almighty to stoop so low as to love you & me and make use of us. As I grow older, my wonder at His humility grows more and more, and I love Him not for what He gives, but for what He is..."

"Keep giving Jesus to your people-- not by words, but by your example, by your being in-love with Jesus, by radiating His holiness and spreading His fragrance of love everywhere you go. Just keep the joy of Jesus as your strength..."

"It is such a beautiful thought for us, and a conviction, that you and I can be that love and compassion. We need to tell the poor that they are somebody to us. That they, too, have been created by the same loving hand of God- to love and be loved."

~ Mother Teresa

So how can I thank You?
What can I bring?
What can these poor hands
lay at the feet of a King?
I'll sing You a love song
It's all that I have
to tell You I'm grateful
For holding my life in Your Hands.

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