Gaaaahhh, it's so good. But it's tough being that fire.
I've been overwelmed by all these thoughts on how I need to change my lifestyle- I need to recycle everything I throw away, and I need to make sure I go to visit the poor on a regular basis and I need to do this, and this, and this! Phew, it's exhausting. But I was reminded: we can only do small things with great love. I will start paying more attention to the little every day things and ask Him how I can show His great love in those things. And I will hopefully be able to fit in all those other things I want to do :)
Overall this book has shoved me into a new reality and a new responsibility. Well, I guess I've always had the responsibility but I've never been so aware of it. God's Word is our ultimate Light, but I think I've been reading it with so many blinders, and I haven't let it truly affect me in the way that it should. Many things have changed in my mind because of stories I read and the people who are hurt because of our wars and our consumerism and our greed. Ugh, it disgusts me and at the same time breaks my heart so much that I feel like ripping it out would be better than absorbing all of the pain from this world. However, I never lose hope in the way things should be and will be one day.
I just pray that I will have the courage and the boldness to continue to spend my life so that others may have, to use my voice so that all may hear about truth and redemption, and to keep following close behind my Jesus and Lord who leads me and guides me into the richest life possible here on earth.

May we live in His freedom, but never ignore His tears.
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