...decorating this blog. Kailey- you will have to show me how over Starbucks one day. Ha!
So this is my first blog. To those of you who are curious enough to read about my life- I am grateful! I think its a pretty awesome life, full of God and His rich blessings and adventures. Though right now I'm not in some random country, there is still A LOT happening here in this small beach town of Alabama. It sure is sweet to be home. But... I am preparing to hear from God on where I am going next! It's exciting and frustrating all at the same time. I have learned so much in these last 6 months; learned what it means to seriously "wait on the Lord", learned how to let go and start all over again, learned how to have peace and joy in absolutely crazy situations, and learned how to open up and love children who push my patience in ways I've never before experienced and yet have won my heart with their amazing faith and tangible

The very cool thing about this job is that one of my teachers from YWAM prophesied over me and told me that I would be working with children very soon! There were other specifics in that word, and all of it is beginning to fall into place, thank the Lord. I love His timing- no matter how painful and discouraging the process is to get there. He is good ALL THE TIME!
Well I hope this is a nice little intro for you. I will write when I have time and when I have words to convey what I'm seeing, feeling, and learning day by day.
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